Skin Physiology

A reliable partner in skin physiological testing

What we test for you

Bulla 120a

Sun protection

In-house research, perfect conditions and reliable quality controls ensure the protection of sun protection products for consumers worldwide.


FOITS-a success story from Schrader. Internationally used to determine the anti-wrinkle effect of anti-aging products.

Anwendung von Deo bei einer Probandin


Whether sniffing or anitranspirant: we reliably test the effect of your odour and perspiration reduction product.

Institute Dr. Schrader


Good skin tolerance without unwanted irritation is the basis for long-term, daily use of cosmetic products.

We test for you

You are looking for the right efficacy or tolerability test for your product.
Here you will find some suggestions. Individual adaptations are possible at any time.

Please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • HDRS (Hybrid Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy) - a non-invasive, erythema-free optical assessment of sun protection factor determination
    • ISO 23968:2024
  • SPF static
    • ISO 24444:2019
    • FDA, Final Rule 2011 / Proposed Rules (2019)
    • AS/NZS 2604:2021
    • ISO 23698:2024
  • SPF with Water Resistance or Extra Water Resistance - in the SpaPool or under the surge Shower
    • ISO 16217:2020
    • ISO 18861:2020
    • FDA, Final Rule 2011 / Proposed Rules (2019)
    • AS/NZS 2604:2021
    • COLIPA Guidelines 2005
  • SPF with sweat resistance – in the sauna
  • SPF in vitro - DoublePlateMethod
    • ISO 23675:2024 
  • UVA in vivo
    • ISO 24442:2022
    • PPD/PFA to JCAI Standard 1995 (1999)
  • UVA in vitro
    • ISO 24443:2021/2022
    • Boots Star Rating System (2011 Revision)
    • FDA, Final Rule 2011 / Proposed Rules (2019)
    • AS/NZW 2604:2021
    • COLIPA 2011 (COLIPA Ratio)

All studies are carried out by qualified and intensively trained employees with a high sense of responsibility. Regular follow-up training as well as internal and external monitoring are a matter of course for us.

You can find further information on sun protection testing here.

  • Anti-Wrinkle / Anti-Aging
  • Anti-Oxidative Capacity / Anti-Pollution
  • Skin barrier (transepidermal water loss; TEWL)
    • Tewameter
  • Skin Moisture
  • Skin elasticity / Skin firmness
    • Cutometer
  • Sebum / fat content of the skin surface
  • Cosmetic acceptance
    • Self-assessment by volunteers
    • Sensory evaluation by experts
  • Soaps / Syndets
  • Shower products
  • Bath additives / bubble baths
  • Skin cleansing cream, lotion, gel, peeling
  • Skin cleansing wipes

Deodorants (axilla / back / feet)


  • Gravimetric methods
    • Thermal stimulation (FDA Guidelines)
    • Thermal Stimulation (Clearcast Design)
    • Thermal Stimulation (Sauna Screening Back)
  • Yellow stains on light textiles
  • White stains on dark textiles
  • Mascara
  • Make-up remover
  • Nail polish / Nail polish remover
  • Lipstick
  • Foundation
  • Make-up

Documentation and preparation of your data

At the Institut Dr. Schrader, the documentation and processing of your data is always included in your order. You will receive your data as a detailed and scientifically sound test report. Optionally, there is the possibility of visual documentation.

Statistical processing of all study data / Bio-Statistics


Matching study designs and claims support for hair testing can be found here.

This could be your skin claim

This could be your skin claim

Mattifying Effect
Reduction of under Eye Bags
Reduction of dark under Eye Circles
Increase of Skin Firmness
Skin Elastic
Skin Moisture

Voluminzing / Plumping Effect
Anti-Sagging / Remodelling
Even Skin Tone
Skin Lightning-Effect
Anti-Age Spots (Lentigo senilis)

Standard studies - an overview

Controlled application and home-in-use studies of all kinds are conducted in our Institute.. Non-invasive measurements and experts confirm your product claims for various skin parameters from tolerability and efficacy to cosmetic acceptance.

  • Application studies with users/consumers
  • Cosmetic acceptability and efficacy, sensory misperception (stinging test)
ICL-S (Proof of Antioxidant Efficacy)

Modern cosmetics with efficacy claims like “Anti-Ageing” or “Oxidative Protection” are among others complex mixtures of UV filters and antioxidants.

Proof of efficacy must be obtained with sound scientific methods for such claims. Sunlight (UV radiation) is the main cause of premature skin aging (photo-ageing), primarily due to generation of free radicals and the oxidative stress associated with them. The biggest challenge in claim support is non-invasive yet sensitive measurement of oxidative stress on subjects.

Alternative test methods in sun protection

The internationally recognized methodology for determining the sun protection factor according to ISO 24444 is considered the "gold standard". The testing is invasive, time consuming and complex.
The "Alt-SPF" project is currently the largest interlaboratory test in the field of sun protection testing and evaluates non-invasive and resource-saving alternative methods.
We are participating in the review of the non-invasive in vivo methodology - HDRS (Hybrid Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy). The method was developed in-house, describing for the first time a reliable alternative test method for SPF and UVA-PF determination that takes into account the interaction of the sunscreen with the skin.


ICLS (Proof of Antioxidant Efficacy)

Modern cosmetics with efficacy claims like “Anti-Ageing” or “Oxidative Protection” are among others complex mixtures of UV filters and antioxidants.

Proof of efficacy must be obtained with sound scientific methods for such claims. Sunlight (UV radiation) is the main cause of premature skin aging (photo-ageing), primarily due to generation of free radicals and the oxidative stress associated with them. The biggest challenge in claim support is non-invasive yet sensitive measurement of oxidative stress on subjects.

Alternative test methods in sun protection

The internationally recognized methodology for determining the sun protection factor according to ISO 24444 is considered the "gold standard". The testing is invasive, time consuming and complex. The "Alt-SPF" project is currently the largest interlaboratory test in the field of sun protection testing and evaluates non-invasive and resource-saving alternative methods. We are participating in the review of the non-invasive in vivo methodology - HDRS (Hybrid Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy). The method was developed in-house, describing for the first time a reliable alternative test method for SPF and UVA-PF determination that takes into account the interaction of the sunscreen with the skin..

Practical knowledge - skin physiology

Top gestylt bei jedem Wetter


Perfectly Styled for Any Weather – The curl retention test is used to determine the weather resistance of hairstyling products. To do this hair tresses are treated under standard conditions with the products…

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Hair Care

In the area of hair care we develop all types of hair care products such as hair dyes (temporary to permanent), permanent waves preparations, styling products, tonics or shampoos.

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Anwendung von Deo bei einer Probandin


Gravimetric Proof of an Antiperspirant Effect (Sweat Test) – Antiperspirants are cosmetic products that reduce perspiration by influencing the activity of the eccrine sweat glands. This product group is used primarily …

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Beurteilungen der Prüfungen durch beispielsweise Dermatologen

Expert Rating

Supplementing the tests with expert statements – Evaluation of the skin, severity of wrinkles, or of skin color by experts such as dermatologists, ophthalmologists or specially trained technical personnel is a common procedure in …

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Your contact persons

Dr. Elke Buck

Head of Skin Technology

Dr. Stefan Benard

Head of Skin Physiology

Elke Raade

Head of Testing | Kassel

Wonach suchen Sie?

Institute Dr. Schrader
Max-Planck-Str. 6
37603 Holzminden



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