What we test
Institute Dr. Schrader –A Reliable Partner in Physiological Testing of Skin and Hair.
Determination of the product properties of a wide variety of shampoos by half-side comparison and subsequent assessment of the properties for your claims.
To test the efficacy and tolerability of anti-dandruff products, the finished formulations are tested on volunteers with dandruff.
Application and colour results on the test bench: Hair colours are tested directly on test persons or in laboratory tests on hair strands.
Properties for your hair care product: Hair shine, volume, heat and UV protection are some of the many claims a hair care product can make.
At Institut Dr. Schrader, the documentation and preparation of your data is always included in your order. You will receive your data as a detailed and scientifically sound test report.
Statistical processing of all study data / bio-statistics
Matching study designs and claims support for skin testing can be found here.
You are looking for the appropriate efficacy test for your product. Here you will find some suggestions. Individual adaptations are possible at any time.
Digital volume measurement is used to determine hair volume following the application of hairstyling or hair care products. For this test, hair strands are treated differently depending on the type of product.
A light source is used to cast a shadow of the hair strands, which is measured digitally before and after treatment (possibly several treatments). The exact volume of the hair strand is determined by rotating the strand and further image analysis.
Digital volume measurement is used to determine hair volume following the application of hairstyling or hair care products. For this test, hair strands are treated differently depending on the type of product.
A light source is used to cast a shadow of the hair strands, which is measured digitally before and after treatment (possibly several treatments). The exact volume of the hair strand is determined by rotating the strand and further image analysis.
Institute Dr. Schrader –A Reliable Partner in Physiological Testing of Skin and Hair.
Epicutaneous Test, Photopatch Test / Flex Wash Test – Cosmetics are normally used daily and over long periods. That is why good skin compatibility is particularly important – especially if they are used…
To create safety reports including safety assessments for your products, we require the following documents in German or English. Should not all toxicological data be available…
Sensory Assessment – Sensory assessments normally are used wherever there are no physically measurable effects or these need to be supplemented. Especially in the development of new products sensory tests are …