Our standards in dealing with customers and employees
We, the Institutes Dr. Schrader, have a great tradition. In Germany and worldwide, we stand for scientific excellence, integrity and the highest ethical standards in dealing with our customers and employees. Our reputation is our capital.
We know that even a semblance of corruption can damage our reputation and actual corruption can lead to considerable fines at home and abroad. Until now we have had no case of corruption in our ranks. We want to keep it that way. Thus, we will protect our integrity and reputation at any price in the future as well – even if this means that dishonourable behaviour will become public knowledge. We have deliberately devoted ourselves to the preventive fight against all forms of corruption because our employees and our business partners shall know that we shall show no tolerance at all when the values which have made our company to a globally recognised brand are threatened.
In the end, corruption hurts all of us. We do not want to cause damage but help other people and enterprises through the quality of our services and be economically successful.
Thus, all our employees are obliged to observe our Anti Bribery Policy and our Code of Conduct at any time. We train our employees and we help them in difficult situations. We encourage our business partners to also make a clear commitment that corruption is not tolerated. Corruption is neither a trivial offense nor an acquisition instrument.