Frequently asked questions about company takeover FAQ

The institutes have been operating worldwide as service providers in cosmetics for many years. At some point, one reaches the point where the capacities of a small medium-sized company are no longer sufficient and demand exceeds supply. For this reason, the institutes looked for a globally experienced partner, such as Normec, in order to be able to serve additional markets with faster growth. Another decisive reason in favor of Normec was the structure of the Normec Group. In the young healthcare sector, the institutes cover only the field of cosmetics.

Dr. Andreas Schrader (Managing Director)

Dr. Mathias Rohr (Director Skin Physiology Testing)

Dr. Heiko Nerenz (Director Product Support)

Dr. Jutta Quadflieg (Head of Hair Physiological Testing)

Dr. Stefan Benard (Head of Skin Application Testing)

Dr. Elke Buck (Head of Equipment Testing Skin)

Prof. Dr. em. Ingolf Grün (Head of Analytics)

Joining Normec opens up opportunities for Institut Dr. Schrader to work with teams within Normec. Fields of cooperation extend to the exchange of services and can also include finance, trade/marketing, IT and quality management, as required. The goal is always to help customers even better, more efficiently and with an even more comprehensive service package.

Yes, they remain and are of strategic importance for Normec.

As addressed above, Normec's goal is to maintain the foundation it has built. Major changes are not immediately foreseeable. Normec will first try to gain a thorough understanding of the company. Normec wants to investigate how we can expand Institut Dr. Schrader in a solid way and integrate it into the group.

Nothing changes for you as a customer. Our customers can continue to rely on the same quality, prices and service they have come to expect from Institut Dr. Schrader. The customer's contact person also remains the same. The only change for customers is that they will now have direct access to a wider range of services in the areas of analysis, quality and safety via Institut Dr. Schrader and Normec.

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Institute Dr. Schrader
Max-Planck-Str. 6
37603 Holzminden



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