
All topics around our company

Haarglanz nach Produktanwendung

Shine and Luster

Der Glanz zeigt sich in der “Dunkelheit” – Assessment of the shine/luster of the hair following application of a product is carried out on treated hair tresses by trained experts. To do this the tresses treated with the corresponding product …

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Anwendung und Farbergebnisse auf dem Prüfstand

Hair Dyes

Testing of Application and Dyeing Results – Hair dyes are tested directly on test subjects or in laboratory tests on hair strands. Trained hairdressers use the products to be tested in the salon and assess…

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Anwendung von Haarspray

In-use studies

Cosmetic acceptance in in-use studies – Assessment of cosmetic acceptance under normal conditions of use is one of the most important testing methods besides biophysical measurements…

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Produkte im direkten Vergleich


Direct Comparison of Product Properties – Comparative assessment of two hair care products (shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, gel, mousse, etc.) is performed routinely in the half-head test, a test that…

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Kosmetische Mittel sind Stoffe oder Gemische, die dazu bestimmt sind, äußerlich mit den verschiedenen Teilen des menschlichen Körpers (Haut, Behaarungssystem, Nägel, Lippen und intime Regionen) oder mit den Zähnen und den Schleimhäuten der Mundhöhle in Berührung zu kommen

Definition Cosmetics

“Cosmetic product” means any substance or mixture intended to be placed in contact with the external parts of the human body (epidermis, hair system, nails, lips and external genital organs) or with the teeth …

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Wonach suchen Sie?

Institute Dr. Schrader
Max-Planck-Str. 6
37603 Holzminden



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