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Olfactoric Studies

Olfactory assessment of body odour by trained evaluators


Olfactory assessment of body odour by trained evaluators (sniffers) is the most realistic method to test the efficacy of deodorantsagainst unpleasant body odour. The intensity of body odour in the armpits of test persons with and without use of deodorants is compared at different times after washing. Depending on the study design either the odour of the test person is “sniffed” directly in the armpit or the perspiration odour determined indirectly on worn pads.

The appointed experts (sniffer) are certified regularly by an independent external institute. The odour threshold is validated by means of dynamic olfactometry according to DIN EN 13725 and the evaluation characteristics in regard to odour intensity is trained.

Analysis of the data generated includes besides descriptive processing of the data also statistical analysis as well as graphs of the results included in the final report (expert report). Depending on customer requirements, the test panel can be customized and the duration of testing adapted to the respective test product.


Oral malodour (halitosis) can be diagnosed organoleptically or instrumentally. It can be measured in principle instrumentally with a gas chromatograph, electronic nose or halimeter.

Oral malodour results to about 85 percent from chemical degradation processes in the mouth. Playing a major role in the development of bad breath are volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) such as hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan. Reduced saliva production during the night combined with breathing through the mouth results in an unpleasant odour exhaled on the breath in the morning. Efficacy testing of toothpastes and mouthwashes can be performed in form of kinetics comparing the morning breath with and without oral hygiene.

Analysis of the data generated includes besides descriptive processing of the data also statistical analysis as well as graphs of the results included in the final report (expert report).


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Institute Dr. Schrader
Max-Planck-Str. 6
37603 Holzminden

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